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Kirjoitettu 28.03.2018

We all should have our own Koala

Because of our new collection we want to introduce some of our new products and designers behind them. At first let’s meet the collection of lovely Koalas, designed by Jenni Tuominen.


MUMs KOALA collection Jenni Tuominen wallhanging finnish

Koala, Big Koala, Large Koala and Semi Koala are handmade design wall hangings whose sympathetic appearance embellishes a room. Smaller members on Koala family are adorable Koala and Large Koala cushion covers.

MUM’s Koalas are designed by Finnish designer Jenni Tuominen, who has received honored Finnish State Prize for illustration in 2017. Products are ethically and responsibly made of local sheep wool in India. The whole process from shearing to finished product is handmade, and each Koala is signed by the artisan who made it.


Wall hanging on the wall

Koala wall hanging can be traditionally put on the wall. Besides Koala fascinates by its beauty, it decreases resounding and works as a soundproofing.


Rug on the floor

MUMs Koala Jenni tuominen rug matto wool

It is also possible to use Koala wall hanging as a rug on the floor. Attaching on the wall is made the way it suits for both uses. Would it be lovely to wake up in the morning if you could feel this kind of a soft wool rug under your toes and see the sweet face of the Koala on the floor.


Rocking chair padding

MUMs koala jenni tuominen rug matto

As well you can set the Koala wall hanging on a rocking chair or bench as a padding. Although would you then dare to stand up anymore, so soft and nice are these Koalas.



MUMS Ryijytyyny Koala Jenni Tuominen

Cushions will cheer up anywhere. You can find Koala cushions from Bakery GRYN in Turku. And in Helsinki you can find these and other MUM’s products from Vepsäläinen


Photos: Hilja Mustonen, Ulla Kokki, Outi Puro