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Written on April 25, 2019

Mum's. This is how we do it. ( video)

This is how we do it. This is how they live through it <3


I visited Mum's artisans in February in Northern India with a filming Crew, and they documented a lot of material. Stone Films will make a film of Mum's later on, but as we need short films on instagram and facebook and for our retailers, the first shorty was done by Pasi Lindqvist, also Mum's CEO. Pasi composed the music, made a story based on raw material by Stone Films. I personally love the raw and authentic feeling in the picture. Mum's wants to be honest, pure and real and so is the picture. Pasi knows Mum's. It is so lovely to see how he presents us.

Video is less than one minute so give it a go!

Beautiful, like a poem, and a true story.


* Authentic and raw material by Stone Films, Feb 2019/ Pyry Salminen, Valtteri Valkama, Markus Vikainen

* Editing, story telling, music by Pasi LIndqvist, April 2019


Photos here below by Stone Films's Markus Vikainen taken 2/2019, by Pyry Salminen and by me in India, February 2019.

Thank You Stone Films, Thank You Pasi.


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