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Written on October 24, 2019

Nostalgia collection

Sometimes it is good to long for the past, back to "The good old days". Bright sunny days filled with fresly baked buns, and rasberry pies made by mum.


Dinner always ready, clothes cleaned, people hugging and asking how you doing, would you want to go fishing with grandpa.. And bicycles. Always gone somewhere on a bicycle. 

Those good old days, and we all today create hose coming good old days- memories for our children and their children.

Nostalgic, like sweet pink Vadelma ( meaning rasberry), or Aino & Einar, old fashioned Finnish names for a couple.

We have a campaign going on till the end of the year, but you should order earlier to have this rug as a Christmas present for someone.

Wool is loosely weaved and this is a lightweight rug. Less quality than our very tight luxury wool rugs, this is more like a Moroccan rug.

Pile height around 3cm. Vacuum regularly and take outside to fresh air every now and then.

Wool loves to be loved.NOSTALGIA collecon ale matto villa

aino einar matto nostalgia villa

VADELMA Nostalgia matto villa wool rug