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Written on January 20, 2023

HOORAY Mum's carpet in the final for Carpet Design Award 2023! (2)

We love our work and we want to serve you well. It these demanding unpredictable times something mosyt beautiful happened. Even we get many thank you's from you, our beautiful clients, it is very valuable to receive respect from the design community for the work we have done the work we do, and the work which we continue to do.


Mum's mum Outi rearly raises her glas but when she does there is a reason: CHEERS to MUM's FINAL!

Unto Rautio Tomi Leppanen Mums rug minimalist smiley WEB

Typewriter collection is "drawn" with using typewriter and typographical elements. Smileys. Design by fantastic Tomi Leppänen.


AJATTELIJA 70x240 tomi leppanen mums ethical making of

OUTDOOR recycled rug design ethical tomileppanen ig2

Tomi Leppänen is a creative Finnish multitalented person. Thank you for designing Mum's this fantastic joyful minimalist collection!


Mum's was one of the three ( 3 ) chosen in the final for international Carpet Design Award 2023 competition arranged by Hali London and Hannover Germany. Our rug from Typewriter collection design by Tomi Leppänen was exhibited in Hannover. At the end we did not receive the first price as Jaipur rug from India won. A very beautiful piece of woolen rug. But we were close to win, as we everything as sustainable as we possibly can. With minimum harm to nature, Tupewriter collectiojn is 100% handmade of fibre made of recycled plasrtic bottles. Perhaps we soulh have presented one of our 100% natural wool rugs to win. But. Winning is not the most important in theis respected company we enjoyed ourselves in the final.

Mum's Typewriter rug was handmade ethically of 100% recycled materials. it is outdoor proof and looks like a textile. Suitable both indoors and outdoors.